Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Two years ago (yesterday)...

...I married my very best friend. Drew and I celebrated our 2 year wedding anniversary yesterday. It was most likely our last night alone for at least 2-3 months (until I can part with my infant!). Matthew had a sleepover at my sisters so Drew and I could really focus on each other. After dinner we caught ourselves pondering, "Well, what do we do? We never have this much free time together!" We spent the rest of the night watching the sunset by the Milwaukee River, going for a drive, watching a movie and cuddling on the couch. Very relaxing, and just what the two of us needed to do together.
I can't believe how fast those past two years have gone. We talked about how much has happened in these last two years.... and yes, we have been busy. And it's not looking like it's not going to slow down anytime soon. Although, we are greatful, for all the many blessings we have been given (especially in the past year). And we know that we've worked really hard to be "happily married". Marriage is tough, but SO worth it. I've been on the other side, and it's so much better to work hard at something and reap those benefits and share a life with someone who truly loves me and takes care of me. I feel loved. I feel taken care of. I feel happy. What more could I ask for...?
...A healthy baby boy that's due to make his arrival in about 4.5 weeks! Come on Will! We're all so excited to meet you and make our family a family of 4! Here's the lastest picture of me and my belly... I take weekly pictures of myself to see how I progress. (I feel like I look larger in the picture than I really do!)

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